“The Evil Birds Attack” is a woodcut printed, hand-bound, purely graphic narrative book. The work consists of 24 woodcut prints, with 26 pages in the book. The paper is made of high-cotton printmaking paper, and the main structure of the work is hand-folded. The cover is made of paper board and wooden board, and the title is made by woodcut. , to agree on the title and book content language. The book adopts the "sequence" image narrative technique. The story revolves around a hot case ("The Evil Bird Attack"), which is introduced from the first perspective. big conspiracy. In the process of creation, in order to ensure the continuity between the pictures and the synergy of the fragmented pictures, a number of spreads adopt a symmetrical technique, actively bury the clues, and make the same image appear repeatedly throughout the whole work. In the process of bookbinding, the requirements of engraving and printing products conflict with the binding process, and the manual printing error is large, which increases the difficulty of completing the work. Finished the work in one month.